

Dutch dramatic society
      (Dutch:chamber of rhetoric”), medieval Dutch dramatic society. Modelled after contemporary French dramatic societies (puys), such chambers spread rapidly across the French border into Flanders and Holland in the 15th century. At first they were organized democratically; later they acquired sponsorship by the nobility and had a designated leader, assistants, a paid manager, and a jester. Like guilds, they had their own names, slogans, and emblems and were commissioned by the towns that protected them to provide the ceremonial at local festivals.

      Drama by this time had largely passed from the hands of the clergy into the hands of the laity; the introduction of secular themes had necessitated the use of stages or carts outside religious buildings. The rederijkerskamers organized national festivals (landjuwelen) during which were held competitions that awarded prizes for poetry and drama. One of the finest plays of this period, Elckerlyc, a morality play of c. 1485 attributed to Pieter Doorlant, won a prize at a landjuweel and became well known in England as Everyman. The miracle play Mariken van Nieumeghen (c. 1500) is remarkably modern both in its psychological insight and in its technique. Themiracleof the renegade's conversion is achieved through the simple and realistic device of her confrontation with a topicalpageantstreet play, a theme within a theme. It was also within the rederijkerskamers that the farce thrived in the 15th century; the romantic play, too, was a popular genre, although Spiegel der Minnen by Colijn van Rijssele is the only text extant.

      In poetry, although the rederijkers often overemphasized complex forms and metres, they laid the foundation for later Dutch dramatic and heroic verse by perfecting the rhymed alexandrine couplet. They also developed a new poetic form, the referein, seen at its best in the poetry of Anna Bijns.

      By the end of the 16th century many of the kamers had degenerated into mutual admiration societies for poetasters; this, coupled with the new laws against public assemblies and the religious upheavals, led to their decline. The Egelantier (Dutch: Wild Briar) and the Wit Lavendel (Dutch: White Lavender), however, remained popular into the 17th century because of the leading Renaissance poets associated with them in Amsterdam.

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