Rassam, Hormuzd

Rassam, Hormuzd

Turkish Assyriologist
born 1826, Mosul, Ottoman Mesopotamia [now in Iraq]
died 1910

      Assyriologist who excavated some of the finest Assyrian and Babylonian antiquities that are now in the possession of the British Museum and found vast numbers of cuneiform tablets at Nineveh (Nīnawā, Iraq) and Sippar (Abū Ḥabbah, Iraq), including the earliest known record of archaeological activity.

      He first served as an assistant (184547) to the famed British Assyriologist Austen Henry Layard and participated in the excavation of Nimrūd (Khorsabad, Iraq). After studying at the University of Oxford, he again accompanied Layard (184951) and took part in the excavation of Nineveh. Layard entered political life shortly thereafter, and in 1852 Rassam was retained to continue excavating antiquities for the British Museum. At Nineveh, Nimrūd, and elsewhere he unearthed notable sculptures, stelae (carved slabs), and inscriptions. In 1853 he discovered at Nineveh the well-known lion-hunt relief of King Ashurbanipal. Shortly thereafter he found the remainder of the royal library, including much of the ancient Epic of Gilgamesh and a terra-cotta prism inscribed with the annals of Ashurbanipal's reign. Subsequently, he held British political appointments in Aden and Ethiopia for a number of years.

      In 1876 he again became the British Museum's supervisor of Mesopotamian excavations. His final efforts (187882) yielded important results. About 15 miles (24 km) from Mosul, at a mound known as Tell Balawat, he excavated the palace of Shalmaneser II and found a pair of great bronze gates that are now one of the glories of the British Museum. Possibly his most valuable contribution to Mesopotamian studies was his discovery in 1880 of a tablet of King Nabu-apal-iddin, which identified the site as the temple of the sun god Shamash in the city of Sippar. In the following 18 months Rassam excavated about 170 chambers surrounding the temple and found 40,000 to 50,000 inscribed cylinders and tablets. One cylinder recounted how Nabonidus (reigned 555539 BC), the father of Belshazzar and the last king of Babylon, had excavated the temple to its original cornerstone, laid 4,200 years earlier by Naram-Sin, the son of King Sargon of Akkad. Rassam recounted much of his work in Asshur and the Land of Nimrod (1897).

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