Rask, Rasmus

Rask, Rasmus

▪ Danish language scholar
born Nov. 22, 1787, Braendekilde, Den.
died Nov. 14, 1832, Copenhagen
 Danish language scholar and a principal founder of the science of comparative linguistics. In 1818 he first showed that, in their consonant sounds, words in the Germanic languages vary with a certain regularity from their equivalents in the other Indo-European languages, e.g., the English father, acre, and the Latin pater, ager. What Rask observed proved to be the basis of a fundamental law of comparative linguistics (Grimm's law), enunciated in 1822 by Jacob Grimm.

      Rask began his long association with the University of Copenhagen as assistant keeper of the library in 1808, and in 1811 he published the first systematic grammar of Old Norse, published in an English translation in 1979. During a stay in Iceland that he spent in mastering the language and studying the literature, manners, and customs (1813–15), he wrote the work on which his fame rests, Undersøgelse om det gamle Nordiske eller Islandske Sprogs Oprindelse (1818; Investigation of the Origin of the Old Norse or Icelandic Language). It was primarily an examination and comparison of the Scandinavian languages with Latin and Greek. Rask was the first to indicate that the Celtic languages, which include Breton, Welsh, and Irish, belong to the Indo-European family and also stated that Basque and Finno-Ugric do not. He established the relationship of Old Norse to Gothic and of Lithuanian to Slavic, Greek, and Latin.

      Although he turned his attention mainly to Indic languages around 1816, he published the first Anglo-Saxon grammar in 1817 and edited two major works of Icelandic literature, the Poetic Edda and the Prose Edda (1818). In 1816 he began travels that took him to Stockholm, St. Petersburg, and finally Iran. The Persian manuscripts he collected remain among the national treasures of Denmark. In 1820 he continued on to India and Ceylon. When he returned to Copenhagen in May 1823, he brought with him many manuscripts in Pāli, Sinhalese, and other languages. Subsequently, Rask was appointed professor of literary history (1825), university librarian (1829), and professor of Oriental languages (1831). His later works include grammars of Spanish (1824), Frisian (1825), and other languages. Over his lifetime Rask had mastered 25 languages and dialects and is reputed to have studied twice as many.

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