Obligatory Hierarchy of Ranks, Table — ▪ Table animals plants Kingdom Animalia Plantae Phylum Chordata Tracheophyta Class Mammalia Pteropsida Order Primates Coniferales Family Hominidae Pinaceae Genus Homo Pinus Species Homo sapiens (man) Pinus strobus ( … Universalium
Table of Ranks — The Table of Ranks (Russian: Табель о рангах; Tabel o rangakh) was a formal list of positions and ranks in the military, government, and court of Imperial Russia. It was introduced in 1722, during the reign of Peter the Great, while he engaged in … Wikipedia
table tennis — played the main role in China’s sportive interactions with the outside world until other sports began to overshadow it in the 1990s. After the founding of the PRC, Chinese players quickly entered the ranks of the world’s best with a gold medal in … Encyclopedia of Contemporary Chinese Culture
Ranks of Coal as Classified by the American Society for Testing and Materials, Table — ▪ Table caloric value (moist, mineral matter free basis)* fixed carbon percentage volatile matter percentage British thermal megajoules (dry, mineral matter free basis) (dry, mineral matter free basis) units per pound … Universalium
Ranks in the French Army — Rank insignia in the French army, except for general officers, depends on whether the soldier belongs to a foot arm or a horse arm . All arms are designated either a foot or horse arm. In foot arms the main insignia colour is gold, but in horse… … Wikipedia
JNA Ranks — Ranks= This table shows the rank structure in use before breakup of Yugoslavia, 1943 1991 … Wikipedia
History of Russian military ranks — Armed Forces of the Russian Federation … Wikipedia
Military ranks of the Swedish Armed Forces — Contents 1 Rank order and duty grade 2 Distribution of personnel vs ranks 3 Ranks and Insignias 4 Translation to English … Wikipedia
Military ranks of the Soviet Union — Soviet Armed Forces … Wikipedia
Army ranks and insignia of the Russian Federation — Armed Forces of the Russian Federation … Wikipedia