

Latvian author
pseudonym of  Jānis Pliekšāns  
born Sept. 11, 1865, Varslavāni, Latvia, Russian Empire
died Sept. 12, 1929, Majori, Latvia

      Latvian poet and dramatist whose works were outstanding as literature and for their assertion of national freedom and social consciousness.

      From 1891 to 1895 Rainis edited the newspaper Dienas Lapa, aimed at promoting social and class consciousness in the peasantry. Inspired by Marxist theory and writings, he began his literary career as a fighter for social justice and national freedom. His own philosophy, however, showed no trace of Marxist materialismhe regarded life as an incessant series of mutations of energy. Partly because of Russian censorship, he used symbols to express his ideal of political and personal freedom; but in 1897 he was banished to Pskov and, later, to Slobodsk for political activities. Returning in 1903, he took part in the unsuccessful revolution of 1905, after which he emigrated to Switzerland; he did not return until 1920, after Latvia had finally achieved independence. Enthusiastically welcomed, he was elected to the Saeima (Parliament) and was minister of education (December 1926January 1928) and director of the national theatre (192125).

      Rainis' first volume of poetry, Tālas noskanas zilā vakarā (1903; “Far-Off Reflections on a Blue Evening”), displays his wide experience and contains some subtle love lyrics. Other books express the revolutionary struggle through Symbolism. Gals un sākums (1912; “End and Beginning”) is imbued with the spirit of G.W.F. Hegel's dialectical philosophy. In his plays Rainis used motifs from folklore as symbols for his political ideals.

      Rainis also translated J.W. von Goethe's Faust, as well as works by William Shakespeare, Friedrich Schiller, Heinrich Heine, and Aleksandr Pushkin, which enlarged the vocabulary of literary Latvian and also introduced the use of shorter word forms.

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