Radisson, Pierre-Esprit

Radisson, Pierre-Esprit

French explorer
born c. 1640, Avignon?, France
died c. 1710, England?

      French explorer and fur trader who served both France and England in Canada.

      Radisson arrived in New France possibly in 1651 and settled at Trois-Rivières. In that year he was captured and adopted by Iroquois Indians, with whom he chose to remain despite opportunities to escape. Later he left North America and sailed to France, landing at La Rochelle early in 1654.

      He returned to Canada the same year. With his brother-in-law, Médard Chouart des Groseilliers, he spent the next few years on trading expeditions to the West. In 1658 they set out for Lake Nipissing (then known as Lac des Castors), crossing what is now Wisconsin and the upper Mississippi River valley. Because they had failed to secure a government license, the French authorities in 1663 confiscated their furs and fined them. As a result Radisson and Groseilliers offered their services to the English at Port-Royal (now Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia).

      They were later employed by New Englanders of Boston, for whom they sailed to Hudson Strait and discovered copper deposits near Lake Superior. Their report on the wealth in furs led to the formation of the Hudson's Bay Company in 1670. Financed by Prince Rupert, cousin to King Charles II, Radisson undertook another trading expedition in 1668 in search of a Northwest Passage. In 1671 he founded Moose Factory, a company trading post a few miles south of James Bay.

      Three years later, Radisson and Groseilliers made their peace with France and served in the French fleet in Guinea and Tobago. Radisson became a resident of Quebec in 1681, and the following year he led an expedition against the English on Hudson Bay. After revisiting both France and England, he was again employed by the Hudson's Bay Company and was eventually pensioned by the company.

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