Radek, Karl

Radek, Karl

Soviet official
original name Karl Sobelsohn
born 1885, Lemberg, Galicia, Austria-Hungary [now Lviv, Ukraine]
died 1939?

      Communist propagandist and early leader of the Communist International (Comintern), who fell victim to Joseph Stalin's (Stalin, Joseph) Great Purge of the 1930s.

      A member of a Galician Jewish family, Radek attended the universities of Kraków and Bern. Having joined the Social Democratic Party of Poland and Lithuania in 1901, he participated in the Russian Revolution of 1905 and subsequently spent a year in a Russian prison. He then worked on the editorial staffs of left-wing Social Democratic newspapers in Poland and Germany, acquiring a reputation as an intelligent, witty political writer.

      In 1915, while attending the Socialist Zimmerwald conference, Radek became acquainted with Vladimir I. Lenin, who later invited Radek to return with him to Russia. Radek left Lenin in Sweden and remained there to publish a Bolshevik weekly bulletin. When the German revolution began in November 1918, he traveled there as a representative of the Central Committee of the Russian Communist Party, helped reorganize the German Communist Party, and worked on its Central Committee until his arrest in February 1919.

      Released in December 1919, Radek returned to Russia, where he quickly assumed a prominent position in the Presidium of the Communist International. In 1923, representing the Comintern, he returned to Germany to help prepare a Communist revolution there. But the uprising (autumn 1923) proved abortive, and Radek's Soviet colleagues (particularly Stalin), who also opposed him for his strong support of Leon Trotsky, used his involvement in the German fiasco as an excuse to oust him from his post as secretary of the Comintern and from the party's central committee (May 1924). He was expelled from the party as a Trotskyite in 1927 and was banished to the Ural Mountains.

      After recanting his oppositionist views (1929), Radek was readmitted to the party. He adopted a pro-Stalin position, praising the Communist leader profusely, and consequently was made a member of the editorial board of the state newspaper, Izvestiya, and allowed to become one of the nation's major commentators on foreign events (193136). In 1935 he was also appointed to the commission that prepared the 1936 Soviet constitution. Nevertheless, in October 1936 he was arrested and accused of participating in a Trotskyite conspiracy to dismember the Soviet Union. In January 1937, at the second show trial of the Great Purge, he confessed his guilt to the fabricated charge and, unlike his fellow defendants who were executed, was sentenced to 10 years in prison. Despite rumours, circulated in 1941, that he had been released to produce anti-German propaganda, there is strong evidence to suggest that he died in 1939 in prison or in a Soviet concentration camp.

      In 1988 the Soviet Supreme Court found Radek not guilty of the crimes of which he had been convicted.

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