qualitative chemical analysis

qualitative chemical analysis

      branch of chemistry that deals with the identification of elements or grouping of elements present in a sample. The techniques employed in qualitative analysis vary in complexity, depending on the nature of the sample. In some cases it is necessary only to verify the presence of certain elements or groups for which specific tests applicable directly to the sample (e.g., flame tests, spot tests) may be available. More often the sample is a complex mixture, and a systematic analysis must be made in order that all the constituents may be identified. It is customary to classify the methods into two classes: qualitative inorganic analysis and qualitative organic analysis.

 The classical procedure for the complete systematic analysis of an inorganic sample consists of several parts. First, a preliminary dry test may be performed, which may consist of heating the sample to detect the presence of such constituents as carbon (marked by the appearance of smoke or char) or water (marked by the appearance of moisture) or introducing the sample into a flame and noting the colour produced. Certain elements may be identified by means of their characteristic flame colours. After preliminary tests have been performed, the sample is commonly dissolved in water for later determination of anionic constituents (i.e., negatively charged elements or groupings of elements) and cationic (cation) constituents (i.e., positively charged elements or groupings of elements). The procedure followed is based on the principle of treating the solution with a succession of reagents so that each reagent separates a group of constituents. The groups are then treated successively with reagents that divide a large group into subgroups or separate the constituents singly. When a constituent has been separated it is further examined to confirm its presence and to establish the amount present (quantitative analysis). Portions of the material are dissolved separately, and different procedures are used for each to detect the cationic and anionic constituents. A typical analytical scheme for the separation of the cations into groups is summarized in the table—>. The analysis for anions is more difficult and less systematic than that for cations.

      The organic nature of a compound is generally indicated by its behaviour on being heated in air; solids usually melt, then burn with either a smoky or nonsmoky flame, in some instances leaving a black residue of carbon. The elements usually present in these compounds are carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, and, occasionally, phosphorus, halogens, and some metals. Specific tests are available for each of the individual elements.

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Universalium. 2010.

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