psalm tone

psalm tone

      melodic recitation formula used in the singing of the psalms and canticles of the Bible, followed by theGloria Patri” (“Glory Be to the Father”) during the chanting of the liturgical hours, or divine office. In the Gregorian chant repertory there are eight psalm tones. Because each psalm verse is divided into two halves, the psalm tones have a binary, or two-part, form. The first part consists of the initium, or intonation, of a melodic fragment; tenor, or recitation note; flexa, or downward inflection, used only if the first half of the verse is long; and mediatio, or middle cadence (resting point). The second part comprises the tenor, sung until the terminatio, or final cadence.

      Each psalm is preceded and followed by an antiphon, a nonbiblical verse, the melody for which is composed in one of the eight ecclesiastical modes. The eight psalm tones are related to the ecclesiastical modes, having the same tenor and final note (except psalm tone 3, the final of which is ordinarily B instead of E, the final of mode 3). The psalm tone chosen corresponds to the number of the mode of the antiphon melody (e.g., psalm tone 4 and mode 4).

      Differentiae (various endings) are used to make a smooth transition between the end of a psalm tone and the beginning of an antiphon. The differentia that makes the smoothest connection is chosen. Examples are in the Liber usualis, the liturgical book containing frequently used Gregorian chants. See also Ambrosian chant; Gregorian chant; psalmody.

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