

 any of a group of tree-climbing mammals comprising raccoons, coatis, the New World ringtail, the cacomistle, and the kinkajou. Though the 18 species are classified as carnivores, procyonids are actually omnivorous and are closely related to bears (family Ursidae). Indeed, both the giant panda (panda, giant) (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) and the lesser, or red, panda (panda) (Ailurus fulgens) have been grouped in the past as procyonids, though they are actually bears. Procyonids mostly inhabit Central America, and only the North American raccoon is widely distributed north of the tropics. The raccoon and some other procyonids are sometimes kept as pets.

Natural history
      Procyonids are relatively small carnivores that usually weigh 112 kg (226 pounds), depending on the species. Body lengths range from 3070 cm (1228 inches), and tails range from 20 to 70 cm. Coats are generally brown, and many species have facial markings and a dark-banded tail. The eyes are large and the ears rounded. The tail can be prehensile, as in the kinkajou (Potos flavus), or semiprehensile and used for balance, as in the coatis (genera Nasua and Nasuella). The feet have five digits and are void of fur on the soles. Long fingers allow great dexterity; all species are good climbers, and at least one species, the kinkajou, is arboreal. The claws are short, curved, and either nonretractile or semiretractile. Like bears, procyonids walk on the soles of the feet (plantigrade locomotion), leaving clear imprints of the paw pad and all digits. Procyonids have 40 teeth (tooth), with long canine teeth and small, sharp premolars; the molars are broad. This dentition is indicative of an omnivorous diet that includes animal flesh, invertebrates, fruits, and grains. Kinkajous are mostly fruit eaters (frugivorous), whereas other species are opportunistic and consume whatever is available.

      Social systems of procyonids vary from extensive groupings of unrelated animals, as observed in coatis, and the family groups of raccoons to the solitary kinkajou. Males mate with more than one female, and most procyoinids breed in the spring. Young are often born in hollow trees, tree cavities, or abandoned farm buildings. Only females provide parental care. Except for kinkajous, procyonids do not defend territories, with the result that many animals can occupy a relatively small area. Densities are affected mostly by abundance of food, depredation by humans, and natural predation and disease. The highest densities of procyonids occur among raccoons inhabiting urban areas of North America, such as Toronto in Canada and Chicago in the United States.

Paleontology and classification
      Procyonids belong to the mammalian order Carnivora. They evolved in the tropics, diverging from ursids about 3050 million years ago.

Family Procyonidae (procyonids)
 18 species in 6 genera found only in the Western Hemisphere.
      Genus Procyon ( raccoons)
 7 Central and South American species, except for the North American raccoon.

      Genus Bassaricyon ( olingos)
 5 Central and South American species found in tropical forests.

      Genus Bassariscus (ringtail and cacomistle)
 2 South American species, with the ringtail ranging into North America.

      Genus Nasua ( coatis)
 2 Central and South American species, 1 ranging into North America.

      Genus Nasuella (mountain coati)
 1 South American species.

      Genus Potos ( kinkajou)
 1 Central and South American species found in tropical forests.

Serge Lariviere

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Universalium. 2010.

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