Pridoli Series

Pridoli Series

      uppermost of four main divisions of the Silurian (Silurian Period) System, representing those rocks deposited worldwide during the Pridoli Epoch (418.7416 million years ago). The series name is derived from the Pridoli area of the Daleje Valley on the outskirts of Prague in the Czech Republic, where about 20 to 50 metres (about 65 to 165 feet) of platy limestone strata rich in cephalopods (cephalopod) and bivalves (bivalve) are well-developed.

      By international agreement, the base of the Pridoli Series is defined by the first occurrence of the graptolite species Monograptus parultimus in rock exposures at the entrance to the Pozary Quarries, which lie about 1.5 km (about 1 mile) east of Reporyje, outside of southwestern Prague. The M. parultimus biozone, in short, constitutes the global stratotype section and point (GSSP) for the base of the series. In addition, two species of chitinozoans (a type of marine plankton), Urnochitina urna and Fungochitina kosovensis, first occur at or just above the base of the series. The earliest known simple vascular land plants (plant), of the genus Cooksonia, typically occur in the lower portions of the Pridoli Series in many parts of the world. The Pridoli Series is overlain by the Lochkovian Stage, the first stage of the Devonian System (Devonian Period). The base of the Lochkovian and the base of the Devonian System automatically define the top of the Pridoli and thus the top of the Silurian System. The Pridoli Series has not been divided into stages and is underlain by the Ludlow Series.

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Universalium. 2010.

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