

      mining city, north-central Czech Republic. Located 37 miles (59 km) southwest of Prague, on the Litavka River, it is situated in the hilly and forested Brdy Mountains. Silver and gold mining, begun in the 14th century, was the town's major industry until the 1960s, when lead, zinc, and large uranium deposits were found and began to be mined and processed.

      Příbram's other major industry is tourism. On the nearby height of Svatá Hora (“Holy Mountain”) stands the Baroque monastery of Our Lady in Bohemia and its shrine, which has long attracted pilgrims and more recently tourists. The monastery is reached from Příbram by a long covered staircase. In the hills southwest of the city stands the chateau of Vysoká, a favourite retreat, where the Czech composer Antonín Dvořák composed his opera Rusalka (“Undine”). Pop. (2007 est.) 34,660.

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