Pratolini, Vasco

Pratolini, Vasco

Italian author
born Oct. 19, 1913, Florence, Italy
died Jan. 12, 1991, Rome

      Italian short-story writer and novelist, known particularly for compassionate portraits of the Florentine poor during the Fascist era. He is considered a major figure in Italian Neorealism.

      Pratolini was reared in Florence, the setting of nearly all his fiction, in a poor family. He held various jobs until his health failed. His illness forced his confinement in a sanatorium from 1935 to 1937. He had no formal education but was an incessant reader, and during his confinement he began to write.

      Pratolini went to Rome, where he met the novelist Elio Vittorini, who introduced him into literary circles and became a close friend. Like Vittorini, Pratolini rejected fascism; the Fascist government shut down Pratolini's literary magazine, Campo di Marte, within nine months of its founding in 1939.

      His first important novel, Il quartiere (1944; The Naked Streets), offers a vivid, exciting portrait of a gang of Florentine adolescents. Cronaca familiare (1947; Two Brothers) is a tender story of Pratolini's dead brother. Cronache di poveri amanti (1947; A Tale of Poor Lovers), which has been called one of the finest works of Italian Neorealism, became an immediate best-seller and won two international literary prizes. The novel gives a panoramic view of the Florentine poor at the time of the Fascist triumph in 192526. Un eroe del nostro tempo (1949; A Hero of Today, or, A Hero of Our Time) attacks fascism.

      Between 1955 and 1966 Pratolini published three novels under the general title Una storia italiana (“An Italian Story”), covering the period from 1875 to 1945. The first, Metello (1955), considered the finest of the three, follows its working-class hero through the labour disputes after 1875 and climaxes with a successful building masons' strike in 1902. The second, Lo scialo (1960; “The Waste”), depicts the lassitude of the lower classes between 1902 and the mid-1920s preparatory to the Fascist takeover. The final volume, Allegoria e derisione (1966; “Allegory and Derision”), deals with the triumph and fall of Fascism, focusing on the moral and intellectual conflicts of the Florentine intelligentsia.

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  • Pratolini, Vasco — (1913–1991)    Born in a working class district on the “wrong” bank of the Arno River (the “Oltrarno”), Pratolini did not have the classical training of most Italian literary luminaries. He was self taught by following his insatiable literary… …   Historical Dictionary of modern Italy

  • Pratolini, Vasco — ► (1913 91) Novelista italiano. Muchas de sus novelas son autobiográficas: El tapete verde (1941) y Crónica familiar (1947) …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Pratolini, Vasco — (Firenze 1913 Roma 1991) scrittore, principale rappresentante del neorealismo ; poeta e commediografo; fondatore con Alfonso Gatto di “Campo di Marte”. collab./opere: “Il Bargello”, “Letteratura”, “Corrente”, “Maestrale”, “Primato”, “La Ruota”,… …   Dizionario biografico elementare del Novecento letterario italiano

  • Pratolini — Pratolini, Vasco …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Pratolini — Vasco Pratolini (* 19. Oktober 1913 in Florenz; † 12. Januar 1991 in Rom) war ein italienischer Schriftsteller und Drehbuchautor. Seine Romane und Erzählungen gehören zum literarischen Neorealismus. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben 2 Werk …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • PRATOLINI (V.) — PRATOLINI VASCO (1913 1991) Florentin d’origine populaire, Vasco Pratolini fut influencé par la culture de gauche, et il devient après la Seconde Guerre mondiale au même titre que Elio Vittorini l’une des personnalités marquantes de la gauche… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Pratolini — Pratolini,   Vasco, italienischer Schriftsteller, * Florenz 19. 10. 1913, ✝ Rom 12. 1. 1991; Autodidakt; arbeitete in vielen Berufen, seit 1938 bei der Zeitschrift »Letteratura«; Mitglied der antifaschistischen Widerstandsbewegung in Rom. Von… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Vasco Pratolini — (* 19. Oktober 1913 in Florenz; † 12. Januar 1991 in Rom) war ein italienischer Schriftsteller und Drehbuchautor. Seine Romane und Erzählungen gehören zum literarischen Neorealismus. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben 2 Werk …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Vasco Pratolini — (Florence, 19 octobre 1913 – Rome, 12 juin 1991) est un écrivain, journaliste et scénariste italien. Sommaire 1 Biographie 2 Œuvres 2.1 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Vasco Pratolini — (October 19 1913 January 12 1991) was one of the most noted Italian writers of the twentieth century.Born in Florence, Pratolini worked at various jobs before entering the literary world thanks to his acquaintance with Elio Vittorini. In 1938 he… …   Wikipedia

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