Port Kelang

Port Kelang

formerly  Port Swettenham  

      the leading port of Malaysia, on the Strait of Malacca midway between the major ports of Pinang and Singapore. It is the port of Kuala Lumpur, the federal capital, 23 miles (37 km) east-northeast, with which it is connected by road and rail. At the mouth of the Sungai (River) Kelang, it is accessible to oceangoing vessels via the Selat Kelang Utara (North Kelang Strait). Sheltered by two long mangrove islands (Kelang and Lumut), its hinterland contains the rich rubber and tin areas of Kuala Lumpur and Seremban.

      Developed by the Malayan Railway, the port was named for Sir Frank Swettenham, Selangor's British resident (representative) after 1882, and was intended to serve west-central Malaya, making the railway independent of Singapore and Penang. Within two months of its opening in 1901, the port was closed because of malaria. Major development occurred between World Wars I and II, and in the 1960s and 1970s new deepwater berths were constructed with wharves suitable for handling container as well as conventional cargoes. The harbour is closely linked to subsidiary west coast ports. Industrial development includes the nearby Pandamaran Industrial Estates (more than 20 companies). Pop. (2000 prelim.) 563,173.

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