pluralism and monism

pluralism and monism

      philosophical theories that answer “many” and “one,” respectively, to the distinct questions: how many kinds of things are there? and how many things are there? Different answers to each question are compatible, and the possible combination of views provide a popular way of viewing the history of philosophy.

      All philosophy as well as science may be regarded as a search for unity in the attempt to comprehend the diversity of things under general principles or laws. But some thinkers have been so attracted to unity that they have denied the multiplicity of things and asserted some form of substantival monism. Thus, Parmenides in the ancient world held that all is being, since whatever is is; Spinoza at the beginning of modern philosophy asserted that there is but one infinite divine substance in which everything else has its finite being as a mode or affect; whereas for Hegel all that is is the Absolute Idea developing through time. Democritus and Leibniz expressed an attributive monism which views the many different substances of the world as being of the same kind.

      Opposed to such monistic theories are those philosophers for whom the multiplicity and diversity of things rather than their unity is the more striking and important fact. Thus William James (James, William), who titled one of his books A Pluralistic Universe, held that it is characteristic of empirically minded thinkers to note and take into account the changeability of things, their multiplicity in being as well as in their relations with one another, and the unfinished character of the world as in process. James asserted that the problem of the one and the many is “the most central of all philosophical problems” in that the answer given to it influences so greatly the approach to other problems and the answers given to them.

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Universalium. 2010.

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