Pisanello, Il

Pisanello, Il

Italian medalist
original name  Antonio Pisano  
born c. 1395, Pisa [Italy]
died 1455
 Italian medalist and painter, a major exponent of the International Gothic style. His early work suggests that he was the pupil of Stefano da Zevio, a Veronese artist. (He was wrongly called Vittore by Giorgio Vasari, and only in 1907 was his personal name verified as Antonio.)

      Pisanello collaborated with Gentile da Fabriano on frescoes in the Doges' Palace in Venice (c. 141522) and in St. John Lateran in Rome (after 1427). After Gentile's death, Pisanello probably completed the Roman frescoes, known only through drawings, which show Gentile's great influence over the young Pisanello. Until 1969, when layers of plaster were removed from the walls of the Sala del Pisanello in Mantua's Palazzo Ducale to reveal a series of Pisanello's frescoes depicting scenes of war and chivalry, his only surviving frescoes were thought to have been an Annunciation at the tomb of Niccolò di Brenzoni in San Fermo in Verona (c. 142324) and the legend of St. George in the Pellegrini Chapel in San Anastasia, Verona (c. 143338). These works are characterized by the curvilinear design, calligraphic draperies, and decorative detail typical of the International Gothic style from which Pisanello never completely freed himself. Even a mature work such as his St. Eustace is encrusted with rich detail that tends to work against spatial clarity. The Madonna with SS. Anthony and George displays a simpler conception. It is dominated by the monumental figures of the two saints and the bust of the Virgin in a mandorla, or almond-shaped aureole.

 Pisanello's fame and his importance in court circles rested more upon his medals (medal) than upon his painting. They are thought to have resulted from his study of ancient Greek and Roman numismatic portraits. He had virtually no recent predecessors, and, with him, the art reached its highest point. His work includes the medal of the Greek emperor John VIII Palaeologus (1438), the wedding medal of Lionello d'Este (1444), Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta (1445), and the medal of Alfonso of Aragon (1448), generally cited as his most successful work in the genre. Most of Pisanello's painted portraits, such as the Margherita Gonzaga (c. 1438), and Lionello d'Este (c. 1440), show the sitter in profile (a convention of Pisanello's portrait medals) against a background of delicate, colourful flowers and butterflies.

      Pisanello's drawings have been preserved in the Codex Vallardi. This is the only instance in which the drawings of a 15th-century workshop have been preserved virtually intact. They are of unique value, therefore, for the study of the style and techniques of draftsmanship of the period. Pisanello uses a large variety of techniques and materials to produce masterful drawings (some coloured) of animals, plants, costume design, and perspective studies. His drawings of various views of horses are particularly well known. He was one of the first 15th-century artists to draw from life instead of adhering to the medieval tradition of copying the drawings of others. The drawings reveal Pisanello's breadth of interest and his sensitive eye. They combine delicately rendered Early Renaissance naturalism with the beauty of Late Gothic line and are one of his most important contributions to the history of art.

Additional Reading
Joanna Woods-Marsden, The Gonzaga of Mantua and Pisanello's Arthurian Frescoes (1988).

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