

      town, Piemonte ( Piedmont) regione, northwestern Italy. It lies at the entrance to the Valle del Chisone, at the foot of the Alps, southwest of Turin. First mentioned in 996 as a possession of Turin, it belonged to the nearby Benedictine abbey of Santa Maria in 1078. Under the house of Savoy from 1246, it was the capital (12951418) of the princes of Acaia, a subsidiary line. The town was occupied by the French in 153674, 163196, and 180114, and its fortress was used during the 17th century as a state prison for such political prisoners as the Duke de Lauzun (Lauzun, Antonin-Nompar de Caumont, Count and Duke de), enemy of Louis XIV's mistress Mme de Montespan; Nicolas Fouquet (Fouquet, Nicolas), Louis's embezzling finance minister; and the mysteriousMan in the Iron Mask (iron mask, the man in the),” whose story is best known from one of the novels of Alexandre Dumas père. Pinerolo became a bishop's see in 1748.

      Notable buildings in the town include the 15th16th-century San Donato's Cathedral (founded 1044), the Church of San Maurizio (13341490; restored), the palace of the princes of Acaia (1318; later modernized), and remains of the old fortifications. Pinerolo is now a rail junction with textile, metal, chemical, printing, and food industries. Pop. (2006 est.) mun., 34,479.

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