

      province of north central highland Ecuador, with a small lowland fringe to the west, covering a total area of 5,243 sq mi (13,579 sq km). The provincial capital, Quito (q.v.), also the national capital, has made it a focal point of Ecuadorian history and politics.

      In the early 15th century the Quitu Indians, original inhabitants of the area, were conquered by the Cara Indians. These last were soon supplanted by the Incas, who, from their Peruvian centre, swept through central Ecuador at about the same time as the landfall of Columbus. The Inca emperor Huayna Capac (died c. 1525) established Quito as an important governmental and military outpost, and his followers settled the territory now composing Pichincha province. Later, the province was the site of a decisive battle in the Latin-American wars of independence. See Pichincha, Battle of.

      Most of the population is concentrated in the more temperate valleys of the high Andean plateau. Although agriculture and cattle raising are the main occupations, thriving industries (concentrated mainly in Quito), including textile mills and food-processing plants, contribute to the economy. The province produces cereals, potatoes, sugarcane, cacao, coffee, and rice. Its forests are sources of fine woods and there are copper deposits. Tourism is a growing economic factor. The Pan-American Highway and the GuayaquilQuito railway run through the province from north to south. Pop. (1982 prelim.) 1,369,059.

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