Phrygian language

Phrygian language

      ancient Indo-European language (Indo-European languages) of west-central Anatolia. Textual evidence for Phrygian falls into two distinct groups. Old Phrygian texts date from the 8th to 3rd centuries BCE and are written in an alphabet related to but different from that of Greek (Greek language). The majority of those that can be understood are cultic in nature. Most were found at established Phrygian sites such as Gordion and Midas City, but a few are from more peripheral areas, as far east as the Hittite capital city, Hattusa (near the modern town of Boğazkale, formerly Boğazköy, Tur.), and as far south as the borders of Lycia. The extant texts of the second group date from the 1st and 2nd centuries CE. These Neo-Phrygian texts are virtually all curse formulas that were written in the Greek alphabet and appended to tomb inscriptions.

      Phrygian has a special status in that it is an Indo-European language (Indo-European languages) found in Anatolia that does not share the defining features of the so-called Anatolian languages, a group of Hittite (Hittite language), Luwian (Luwian language), and related languages; presumably, its presence in the region reflects a later population movement. While Phrygian shares several notable features with Greek (such as theaugment,” a verbal prefix e- marking the past tense), its dialectal position within Indo-European remains a matter of debate.

H. Craig Melchert Theo P.J. van den Hout

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Universalium. 2010.

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