

plant and fibre
Portuguese  formio,  

      (species Phormium tenax), a plant of the day lily family, Hemerocallidaceae, and its fibre, belonging to the leaf fibre group. The plant is native to New Zealand, where the fibre, sometimes called New Zealandhemp,” orflax,” has been used since ancient times for cordage, fabrics, and baskets. It has been grown in southern Ireland, mainly as an ornamental plant, since 1798 and was later introduced to parts of Europe; commercial plantings were started in St. Helena, the Azores, Australia, southern Africa, and Japan. In the 1930s cultivation was established in the South American countries of Brazil, Chile, and Argentina.

      The plant is composed of about 8 to 12 shoots growing from a central rootstock. Each shoot bears at least five dark green, lance-shaped leaves arranged in fanlike form. The leaves, tapering to a point from a base about 2 inches (5 cm) wide, are about 3 to 14 feet (0.9 to 4.2 m) long, with smooth, hard outer surfaces and undersides marked with a middle rib. The flower stalk grows from the plant centre to a height of 12 to 15 feet (3.6 to 4.5 m) and bears bunches of yellow flowers, each about 1.5 inches (3.8 cm) long. The numerous black seeds are flat and shiny.

      Crops are adaptable to various soils but grow best in well-drained, loose, moderately rich soil and in temperate climates with moderate rainfall. Plants are propagated from shoots of mature roots (rhizomes) or sometimes from seed and are spaced 4 to 6 feet (1.2 to 1.8 metres) apart. The first leaves are ready for harvesting four to six years after planting, and additional leaves can be taken at intervals of one to four years thereafter. At each harvest three to four outer leaves are taken from each shoot. They are cut off by hand, 6 to 8 inches (15 to 20 centimetres) above the point at which they grow from the stalk, since lower cutting would free the red-coloured plant juice, staining the fibre.

      In commercial processing the leaves, sorted according to quality and length, are subjected to machine decortication, a crushing and scraping process that frees the fibre. The fibre strands are then washed and sun-dried to promote bleaching and bring out lustre. Phormium, creamy white when carefully processed, is flexible, with fair strength and good lustre, and is resistant to damage in saltwater. It is used in twines and ropes and also made into bagging fabrics and such items as mats and shoe soles.

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Universalium. 2010.

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