Phoenician language

Phoenician language

      a Semitic language (Semitic languages) of the Northern Central (often called Northwestern) group, spoken in ancient times on the coast of Syria and Palestine in Tyre, Sidon, Byblos, and neighbouring towns and in other areas of the Mediterranean colonized by Phoenicians. Phoenician is very close to Hebrew (Hebrew language) and Moabite, with which it forms the Canaanite subgroup of the Northern Central Semitic languages. The earliest Phoenician inscription probably dates from the 11th century BCE; the latest inscription from Phoenicia proper is from the 1st century BCE, when the language was already being superseded by Aramaic (Aramaic language).

      In addition to being used in Phoenicia, the language spread to many of its colonies. In one, the North African city of Carthage, a later stage of the language, known as Punic, became the language of the Carthaginian empire. Punic was influenced throughout its history by the Amazigh language (Amazigh languages) and continued to be used by North African peasants until the 6th century CE.

      Phoenician words are found in Classical Greek (Greek literature) and Latin literature as well as in writings in the Egyptian (Egyptian language), Akkadian (Akkadian language), and Hebrew languages. The language is written with a 22-character alphabet that does not indicate vowels. The Phoenician writing system survived in the tifinagh script of the Tuareg, who live in the southern Sahara.

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