PHANARIOTE — n. des deux genres Grec, Grecque de Constantinople, d’une classe distinguée, ainsi appelés parce qu’ils habitaient le quartier du Phanar. Un riche phanariote. Une belle phanariote … Dictionnaire de l'Academie Francaise, 8eme edition (1935)
Phanariote — Phanariot Pha*nar i*ot, n. Also Phanariote Pha*nar i*ote [NGr. ?, fr. Phanar. See {Phanar}.] One of the Greeks of Constantinople who after the Turkish conquest became powerful in clerical and other offices under Turkish patronage. [Webster 1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Phanariote — Phanariotes Les Phanariotes sont des Grecs issus des riches familles vivant dans le quartier du Phanar à Constantinople et exerçant des fonctions importantes dans l administration ottomane aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles. Le Phanar ou Fanar (Φανάρι… … Wikipédia en Français
Cantacuzène (phanariote) — Sarcophage de la princesse Bălașa Cantacuzène fille de Șerban Ier et épouse de Grigore Vlasto au Musée national d histoire de Roumanie. Les Cantacuzène sont une famille grecque d’origine phanariote qui prétend descendre des Cantacuzène de Byzance … Wikipédia en Français
Phanariotes — Phanariotes, Phanariots, or Phanariote Greeks (Greek:Φαναριώτες, Romanian: Fanarioţi , Bulgarian:Фанариоти ) were members of those prominent Greek (including Hellenized Romanian and Albanian) familiesEncyclopedia Britannica, The Phanariotes, 2008 … Wikipedia
Tudor Vladimirescu — (c. 1780 ndash;OldStyleDate|June 7|1821|May 27) was a Wallachian Romanian revolutionary hero, the leader of the Wallachian uprising of 1821 and of the Pandur militia. He is also known as Tudor din Vladimiri ( Tudor of Vladimiri ) or seldomly as… … Wikipedia
Greeks in Romania — There has been a Greek presence in Romania for at least 27 centuries. At times, as during the Phanariote era, this presence has amounted to hegemony; at other times (including the present), the Greeks have simply been one among the area s many… … Wikipedia
Regulamentul Organic — 1832 Wallachian copy of Regulamentul Organic (printed in the Romanian Cyrillic transitional alphabet … Wikipedia
Greece, history of — ▪ Byzantine to modern Introduction history of the area from the Byzantine (Byzantine Empire) period, beginning about AD 300, to the present. For earlier periods, see Aegean civilizations; ancient Greek civilization; and Hellenistic Age.… … Universalium
GRÈCE MODERNE - De la Grèce byzantine à la Grèce contemporaine — Le développement d’une conscience nationale dans l’hellénisme qui se dégage progressivement de l’idée impériale byzantine d’abord, puis de l’œcuménisme chrétien du patriarcat de Constantinople, peut être considéré comme la principale tendance… … Encyclopédie Universelle