Petralona skull

Petralona skull

hominin fossil
      an ancient human cranium discovered in 1960 in a cave near Thessaloníki, northeastern Greece. The age of this skull has been difficult to establish. At first it was believed to be contemporary with Neanderthals, perhaps no older than 120,000 years. Some methods, however, indicate an age between 350,000 and 200,000 years. Animal fossils found with it are known elsewhere from approximately 350,000 years ago.

      Although the jaw is missing, the cranium is almost complete, and it is similar to specimens discovered at Arago (France), Bodo (Ethiopia), and Kabwe (Kabwe cranium) (Zambia). All of these combine Homo erectus-like traits (prominent browridges, a ridge along the rear of the skull, and thick braincase bones) with other characteristics (including a somewhat larger brain) of later Homo species, such as Neanderthals (H. neanderthalensis) and modern humans (H. sapiens (Homo sapiens)). None of the Petralona specimens has the unique features that distinguish Neanderthals from all other early humans. Many authorities find it useful to attribute the specimens to H. heidelbergensis (Homo heidelbergensis), a species that may be the common ancestor of both Neanderthals and modern humans.

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Universalium. 2010.

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