Peters, Lenrie

Peters, Lenrie

Gambian physician and writer
born 1932, Bathurst, Gambia [now Banjul, The Gambia]

      physician, novelist, and one of western Africa's most important poets.

      Peters was educated at Bathurst, Freetown (Sierra Leone), and at Trinity College, Cambridge, where he earned a medical degree in 1959, with further studies in surgery. He broadcast on several British Broadcasting Corporation programs (and chaired its Africa Forum) before returning to Gambia.

      His novel The Second Round (1965) is semiautobiographical in its story of the disillusionment and alienation of a young doctor returning from England to Freetown after completing his medical studies and finding his home unsettled and unsettling, the people there having rejected all traditional values without substituting anything positive. The doctor drifts among acquaintances for a time but finally seeks some meaning by working in an isolated up-country hospital.

      Peters' poetry (Poems, 1964; Satellites, 1967; and in several anthologies) is less pessimistic, characterized by a hope that good will prevail and by a sense of discovery. Some of his poems, however, tell of an estrangement similar to that in The Second Round. In style he usually follows European conventions, although he concentrates upon African themes and images.

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Universalium. 2010.

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