Pereda, José María de

Pereda, José María de

Spanish writer
born Feb. 6, 1833, near Santander, Spain
died March 1, 1906, Santander

      Spanish writer, the acknowledged leader of the modern Spanish regional novelists. Born of a family noted for its fervent Catholicism and its traditionalism, Pereda looked an authentic hidalgo. An older brother provided him with an income that allowed him to become a writer. His first literary effort was the Escenas montañesas (1864), starkly realistic sketches of the fisherfolk of Santander and the peasants of the Montaña. There followed other sketches and early novels of pronounced controversial spirit, such as El buey suelto (1878; “The Unfettered Ox”); Don Gonzalo González de la Gonzalera (1879), a satire on the revolution of 1868 and a eulogy of the old patriarchal system of government; and De tal palo tal astilla (1880; “As the Wood, So the Chips”), a protest by a rigid Catholic against the liberal religious tendencies advocated by his friend Benito Pérez Galdós. With the exception of Pedro Sánchez (1883) and La Montálvez (1888), all his novels have a Montaña background.

      Pereda's best work, one of the finest Spanish novels of the 19th century, was Sotileza (1884), an epic of the Santander fisherfolk, exemplified by the portrait of the haughty, enigmatic female fisher Sotileza, and a genuine novel of customs.

      In his virile realism, tinged with human sympathy, Pereda is thoroughly Castilian. He had the gift of creating human characters, particularly of the humbler variety, and, with his mastery of rich and flexible language, he excels, above all, as a painter of nature, in all its aspects.

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Universalium. 2010.

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