Pelloux, Luigi

Pelloux, Luigi

prime minister of Italy
born March 1, 1839, La Roche, Savoy [now in France]
died Oct. 26, 1924, Bordighera, Italy

      Italian general and prime minister (18981900) who brought his country to the brink of crisis by adopting an extremely repressive domestic policy.

      After graduation from the military academy at Turin (1857), Pelloux fought in several battles against Austria, distinguishing himself as a brave and capable leader. He rose through the ranks and as major commanded the artillery that first breached Rome's Porta Pia, thus allowing the occupation of the city (1870), which the troops of a uniting Italy made the country's capital.

      In 1880 Pelloux began his political career in the House of Deputies. Promoted to general in 1885, he was minister of war in three cabinets (189192, 189293, 189697). In 1896 he was made a senator. When disturbances broke out in Bari, where he was commander of the army corps, he recognized that the unrest arose from extreme economic need and refused to declare martial law, thus gaining the favour of the leftists. Similar outbursts in other Italian cities, however, led to the downfall of the government.

      Invited to form a government (June 1898), Pelloux began correcting the excesses of the previous administration. Soon, however, his training as an army officer asserted itself, and he introduced a repressive bill that would have greatly curtailed civil liberties (February 1899). To avoid defeat on his foreign policy, which featured an unsuccessful military expedition to China, Pelloux resigned (March 1899) and formed a second, more conservative government.

      Although the country was now quite calm, Pelloux attempted to make his earlier bill more repressive, thus finally uniting the left in opposition against him. Pelloux prorogued the chamber and tried to have the bill passed by royal decree.

      When the decree was ruled void by the Court of Cassation (February 1900), Pelloux had to resubmit his bill to a thoroughly hostile chamber. Forced to resign on June 18, 1900, he was given command of an army corps at Turin (190002).

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