

also called  Transvaal Sotho, Northern Sotho, or Bapedi,  

      a Bantu-speaking people inhabiting Limpopo province, South Africa, and constituting the major group of the Northern Sotho ethnolinguistic cluster of peoples, who numbered about 3,700,000 in the late 20th century. Their traditional territory, which is known as Bopedi, is located between the Olifants and Steelpoort rivers.

      The ancestors of the Pedi are thought to have settled in the present region about 500 years ago after having migrated from Central Africa. After an initial period of peaceful settlement the Pedi empire arose, built on a number of military conflicts with neighbouring peoples. Pedi fortunes peaked during the rule of the king Thulare in the early 19th century, but the Pedi were subsequently defeated by the forces of Mzilikazi, the eventual founder of the Ndebele (Matabele) people. The Pedi recovered and successfully resisted Afrikaner encroachments on their territory in the 1850s, '60s, and '70s, but in 1879 the British completely crushed the Pedi. The British divided the Pedi country into two parts under different rulers in 1896, thus occasioning conflicts between rival Pedi leaders.

      The Pedi area was designated for their exclusive settlement in the early 20th century. By 1972 Lebowa, a nonindependent black state demarcated from Bopedi and adjacent areas, was officially designated the Pedihomeland”; but this creation of the apartheid system was abolished in 1994 under the new South African constitution. Rainfall in the Pedi area is fairly low, but corn (maize), wheat, sorghum, millet, and beans are grown. A considerable variety of livestock is raised, including cattle, goats, sheep, fowl, and pigs. Pedi have been recruited to a great extent for labour elsewhere in South Africa.

      The basic Pedi social and living unit is the kgoro, which is a semicircular residential cluster of dwellings sheltering an extended family that is established around a group of related males but that may also include other people. The important son of a chief often establishes kgoros. The Pedi chief (kgosi) is the overall executive and judicial authority. In modern South Africa, however, the traditional chief must balance his traditional functions with the European-based legal system.

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Universalium. 2010.

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