

plant anatomy
      any of nearly 600 species of forage and cereal grasses in the genus Panicum (family Poaceae), distributed throughout tropical and warm temperate regions. These plants are annuals and perennials; many are tufted or have underground stems.

      Many species of Panicum, known as millet (q.v.), are cultivated in Europe and Asia as crop plants and in the United States for forage, hog feed, and birdseed. Guinea grass (P. maximum), a tall African plant, also is cultivated for forage, especially in tropical America and southern North America. Switch grass (P. virgatum) is an erect, tough perennial, 1 to 2 m (about 3 to 6 1/2 feet) tall, that grows in clumps; its spikelets may be reddish. It is a major constituent of tall grass prairie in North America and is a valuable forage grass. It is sometimes used for erosion control because its thick underground stems send up new plants.

      Witchgrass (P. capillare), a tufted annual, is a common weed in fields and disturbed areas. Its large, purplish flower clusters break off and are blown by the wind. Vine mesquite grass (P. obtusum) is planted for erosion control in the southwestern United States.

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  • Panicum — Pan i*cum, n. [L., panic grass.] (Bot.) A genus of grasses, including several hundred species, some of which are valuable; panic grass. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • Panicum —   , panicum   L. panis, bread; icum, belonging to. In Roman times the vernacular name of the grass used for making bread …   Etymological dictionary of grasses

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  • Panicum — Ver texto Panicum es un género de plantas de la familia de las Poaceas, orden Poales, subclase Liliidae, clase Liliopsida, división Magnoliophyta. ● Panicum aculeatum Hitchc. et Chase ● Panicum addiconii Nash ● Panicum agrostis Doell. ● Panicum… …   Enciclopedia Universal

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