Paludan-Müller, Frederik

Paludan-Müller, Frederik

Danish poet
born February 7, 1809, Kerteminde, on the Island of Fyn, Denmark
died December 28, 1876, Copenhagen
 Danish poet who achieved early acclaim in the Danish late-Romantic (Romanticism) movement (the so-called romantisme, which was marked by skepticism about Romanticism's idealistic philosophy) for his Byronic epic Danserinden (1833; “The Danseuse”).

      The son of a bishop, Paludan-Müller was educated at the University of Copenhagen law school. Later, after he was rescued from a mental and religious crisis by a happy marriage, his works became ethically oriented and critical of Romantic values. His Adam Homo, 3 vol. (184249; Eng. trans. Adam Homo), a lengthy satirical epic in three parts, is counted among the most important works of Danish literature. Its autobiographical hero, Adam Homo, is a worldly success who suffers the loss of his soul. He is saved only by the devotion of his jilted sweetheart Alma, who personifies renunciation and redemption in the spirit of Dante's Beatrice and Goethe (Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von)'s Gretchen. Adam Homo was one of the precursors of Ibsen's character Peer Gynt.

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