Pallas, Peter Simon

Pallas, Peter Simon

▪ German naturalist
born , Sept. 22, 1741, Berlin
died Sept. 8, 1811, Berlin
 German naturalist who advanced a theory of mountain formation and, by the age of 15, had outlined new classifications of certain animal groups.

      In 1761 he went to England to study natural-history collections and to make geological observations. He was appointed professor of natural history at the Imperial Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, in 1768. About the same time he joined a scientific expedition to Russia and Siberia. For the next six years he traveled across the length and breadth of the vast empire. He found a wide distribution of mammoth and rhinoceros fossils, including some with their hairy hides preserved, in the Siberian ice. He returned to St. Petersburg in 1774 with a great amount of data and many fossil specimens, but he had ruined his health. He published his major findings from the expedition in three volumes, Reise durch verschiedene Provinzen des russischen Reichs (1771–76; “Journey Through Various Provinces of the Russian Empire”). His chief geological contribution, based largely on his study of the Ural and Altai mountain ranges of Siberia, was the recognition of a temporal sequence of rocks from the centre to the flanks of a range.

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