Otto Of Freising

Otto Of Freising

German bishop

born c. 1111
died Sept. 22, 1158, Morimond, Champagne

      German bishop and author of one of the most important historico-philosophical works of the Middle Ages.

      Otto entered (1132 or 1133) the Cistercian monastery at Morimond in eastern Champagne and became its abbot in 1138 but was immediately called as bishop to Freising in Bavaria. As half-brother of the Hohenstaufen German king Conrad III and as uncle of Frederick I Barbarossa, Otto influenced the policy of the Empire and was present at the imperial diet of Besançon in the County of Burgundy (1157).

      Otto's Chronica sive historia de duabus civitatibus is a history of the world from the beginning to 1146. Following St. Augustine, it interprets all secular history as a conflict between the civitas Dei (“the realm of God”) and the world; and it views its contemporary period as that in which Antichrist (the principal personage of power opposed to Christ) is to appear. His second work, the Gesta Friderici, deals with the house of Hohenstaufen and with the deeds of Frederick Barbarossa up to 1156.

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Universalium. 2010.

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