Orzeszkowa, Eliza

Orzeszkowa, Eliza

Polish writer
née  Eliza Pawłowska 
born June 6, 1841, Milkowszczyzna, Poland
died May 18, 1910, Grodno, Poland [now Hrodno, Belarus]
 Polish novelist and a leading writer of the Positivist period (the Polish Positivists took their name from Auguste Comte (Comte, Auguste)'s philosophy but were themselves mainly utilitarians). Questions of education, independence, and marriage in Orzeszkowa's works were eventually overshadowed by issues such as women's work, illegitimate children, and prostitution, the recognition of which was quite bold and innovative for the 19th-century Polish novel.

      Born to a family of gentry, Orzeszkowa was married at age 17 to a landowner. The marriage was unsuccessful, largely because Orzeszkowa not only was passionately and actively pro-independence but also sought the emancipation of the serfs. When it was annulled 11 years later, she settled in Grodno, where in 1879 she opened a bookshop and publishing house. In 1878 she had published Meir Ezofowicz (the name of the protagonist), a novel that presented a lurid picture of Jewish life in a small town in Belorussia and preached not so much tolerance as the assimilation of the Jewish community. The Russian authorities closed down her business in 1882, placing her under police surveillance for five years. She remarried in 1894, but her second husband died two years later.

      Orzeszkowa's well-known peasant novels include Dziurdziowie (1885; “The Dziurdzia Family”), which presented a shocking picture of the ignorance and superstition of poor farmers, and Cham (1888; “The Boor”), the tragic story of a humble fisherman's love for a neurotic and sophisticated city girl. Considered Orzeszkowa's masterpiece, Nad Niemnen (1888; “On the Banks of the Niemen,” filmed 1987) depicts Polish society in Lithuania. Bene nati (1892; “Wellborn”) describes the impoverished gentry of small villages.

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