olethreutid moth

olethreutid moth

      any of a group of moths in the family Tortricidae (order Lepidoptera) that contains several species with economically destructive larvae. The pale caterpillars roll or tie leaves and feed on foliage, fruits, or nuts. Some examples include Cydia pomonella, the codling moth (previously Carpocapsa, or Laspeyresia, pomonella) and Cydia molesta, the Oriental fruit moth (previously Laspeyresia, or Grapholitha, molesta). Though originally from Europe, the codling moth exists wherever apples are grown. The larvae burrow in the apples and, when fully grown, emerge and pupate under debris or bark or in loose soil.

      Adult olethreutids have somewhat square-tipped forewings and fringed hindwings. Wingspan averages 18 mm (3/4 inch). They are often known as fruit, or bud, moths. The larvae of the Mexican jumping bean moth (Laspeyresia saltitans) live inside the seeds of certain shrubs (Sebastiania), feeding on the kernels. Movement of the larvae make the seeds jump.

      Some researchers place the olethreutids in their own family, Olethreutidae.

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