Old Red Sandstone

Old Red Sandstone

      thick sequence of Devonian (Devonian Period) rocks (formed from 416 million to 359.2 million years ago) that are continental rather than marine in origin and occur in northwestern Europe, Scandinavia, Greenland, and northeastern Canada. Deposits of Old Red Sandstone have been extensively studied in Great Britain, where local and regional stage names have been applied. The rocks were deposited in structural basins between the ranges of the Caledonian Mountains (Caledonian orogenic belt), which were also formed during the Devonian Period when a section of northwestern Europe collided with a landmass made up of parts of present-day North America and Greenland. Thick deposits of sand and mud, 11,000 metres (36,000 feet) deep and often stained red by oxidized iron minerals present, slowly accumulated in these sinking basins. The sediments are poorly sorted and quite variable; cross-bedded sandstones, mud-cracked siltstone and shale, and raindrop impressions all occur. The sandstones are red, green, and gray, whereas the shales are gray. Plant and animal fossils occur in these deposits; the fossil fauna is characterized by primitive, often armoured fishes. Late in this succession came the first terrestrial tetrapod vertebrates, which are thought to have inhabited freshwater streams and rivers.

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