Okri, Ben

Okri, Ben

Nigerian writer
born March 15, 1959, Minna, Nigeria

      Nigerian novelist, short-story writer, and poet who used magic realism to convey the social and political chaos in the country of his birth.

      Okri attended Urhobo College in Warri, Nigeria, and the University of Essex in Colchester, England. His first novels, Flowers and Shadows (1980) and The Landscapes Within (1981), employ surrealistic images to depict the corruption and lunacy of a politically scarred country. Two volumes of short stories, Incidents at the Shrine (1986) and Stars of the New Curfew (1988), portray the essential link in Nigerian culture between the physical world and the world of the spirits.

      Okri won the Booker Prize for his novel The Famished Road (1991), the story of Azaro, an abiku (“spirit child”), and his quest for identity. The novels Songs of Enchantment (1993) and Infinite Riches (1998) continue the themes of The Famished Road, relating stories of dangerous quests and the struggle for equanimity in an unstable land. Okri's other novels include Astonishing the Gods (1995); Dangerous Love (1996), aboutstar-crossedlovers in postcolonial Nigeria; In Arcadia (2002); and Starbook (2007). An African Elegy (1992) is a collection of poems that urges Africans to overcome the forces of chaos within their countries, and Mental Flight (1999) is a long poem. A Way of Being Free (1997) is a collection of Okri's essays. Although typically not overtly political, Okri's works nevertheless convey clear and urgent messages about the need for Africans to reforge their identities.

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