Nunivak Island

Nunivak Island

 island in the Bering Sea (Bering Sea and Strait) off the southwestern coast of Alaska, U.S. It is 55 miles (90 km) long and 40 miles (65 km) wide and is the second largest island (1,600 square miles [4,000 square km]) in the Bering Sea. Separated from the mainland by Etolin Strait, the island is the site of the Nunivak unit of Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge, notable for its reindeer (introduced in the 1800s), musk oxen (introduced in 1935 from Greenland), and shorebirds. The largest settlement is Mekoryuk, on the northeastern portion of the island, which is inhabited mainly by Nuniwarmiut, or Cup'ik Eskimos. The Nuniwarmiut are believed to have lived on the island for at least 2,000 years; an expedition of Russian explorers reached the island in 1821. Because shoals around the island made landing difficult, the Nuniwarmiut were able to maintain their traditions for a much longer period than most mainland groups did. Photographs taken by Edward S. Curtis in the late 1920s reveal that labrets (ornaments worn in a pierced lip) and nose rings were still worn then.

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Universalium. 2010.

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