Noth, Martin

Noth, Martin

German scholar
born Aug. 3, 1902, Dresden, Ger.
died May 30, 1968, orvot Shivta, Israel

      German biblical scholar who specialized in the early history of the Jewish people.

      In his book Das System der zwölf Stämme Israels (1930; “The Scheme of the Twelve Tribes of Israel”), written when he was just 28, Noth proposed the theory that the unity called Israel did not exist prior to the covenant assembly at Shechem in Canaan (Joshua 24), where, in his view, the tribes, theretofore loosely related through customs and traditions, accepted the worship and the covenant of Yahweh imposed by Joshua. Oral traditions from the various tribes were combined in the Pentateuch after the covenant union, and it was only at the time of Ezra that the traditions were finally written down, often combining different narrative elements into a single tale. Thus, the story of the Passover and that of the Exodus, once separate traditions, were linked in the written books of Moses. The two major narrative traditions, the Jehovistic and Elohistic (so called from the name used for God in each), formed a framework around the other traditional elements.

      Noth served as professor of theology at the University of Bonn from 1945 to 1965, continuing his studies after his retirement.

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