Norton Sound — (Norton Sound) Vista de Nome, la principal ciudad del Norton Sound Ubicación geográfica … Wikipedia Español
Norton Sound — est une baie de la mer de Béring sur la côte occidentale de l Alaska, au sud de la péninsule de Seward. Elle est profonde d environ 240 km pour une largeur de 200 km. Le delta du Yukon occupe une partie de sa côte méridionale et ses… … Wikipédia en Français
Norton Sound — is an inlet of the Bering Sea on the western coast of the U.S. state of Alaska, south of the Seward Peninsula. It is about 240 km (150 mi) long and 200 km (125 mi) wide. The Yukon River delta forms a portion of the south shore … Wikipedia
Norton Sound — Karte des Nortonsunds Der Nortonsund (engl.: Norton Sound) ist ein Meeresarm des Beringmeers an der Westküste Alaskas. Lage … Deutsch Wikipedia
Norton Sound — Sp Nòrtono įlanka Ap Norton Sound L Beringo j., JAV (Aliaska) … Pasaulio vietovardžiai. Internetinė duomenų bazė
Norton Sound — geographical name arm of Bering Sea W Alaska between Seward Peninsula & the mouths of Yukon River … New Collegiate Dictionary
USS Norton Sound (AVM-1) — USS Norton Sound (AV 11/AVM 1) was originally built as a Sclass|Currituck|seaplane tender by Los Angeles Shipbuilding and Drydock Company in San Pedro, California. She was named for Norton Sound, a large inlet in West Alaska, between the Seward… … Wikipedia
USS Norton Sound (AVM-1) — «Нортон Саунд» USS Norton Sound (AVM 1) … Википедия
Sound (geografía) — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Øresund del Norte … Wikipedia Español
Norton — Contents 1 Places 1.1 United Kingdom 1.1.1 England 1.1.2 Wales … Wikipedia