Nordenskiöld, Erland

Nordenskiöld, Erland

▪ Swedish anthropologist
in full  Nils Erland Herbert Nordenskiöld 
born July 19, 1877, Strömm, Sweden
died July 5, 1932, Stockholm

      Swedish ethnologist, archaeologist, and a foremost student of South American Indian culture. As professor of American and comparative ethnology at the University of Göteborg, Sweden (1924–32), he had a marked influence on anthropology in Sweden and Denmark.

      Son of the scientist-explorer Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld and cousin of explorer-geographer Otto Nordenskjöld, he made zoological expeditions to Patagonia (1899) and Argentina and Bolivia (1901–02) but turned to archaeological research in the mountains of Peru and Bolivia (1904–05). He made two subsequent expeditions to the forestlands bordering Bolivia and Brazil, one noteworthy result being his paper (1912) dealing with mounds and urn burials in Bolivia. In 1913 he became principal curator of ethnology at the Göteborg Museum. His final expedition took him to the Chocó and Kuna (Cuna) Indians of Colombia and Panama (1927). Pioneering in methods of mapping the distribution of many elements of South American culture, he succeeded in developing a remarkably clear reconstruction of cultural history in an area of considerable complexity.

      In addition to accounts of his travels written in a semipopular vein, Nordenskiöld wrote many scientific articles and books, including the richly illustrated work L'Archéologie du bassin de l'Amazone (1930; “Archaeology of the Amazon Basin”). His major work is Comparative Ethnographical Studies, 10 vol. (1918–38), in which he analyzed the material culture of Bolivian tribes and sought to relate natural environment and other influences on cultural patterns. He was skeptical of the theory of Kulturkreis (“culture sphere”), which postulates early diffusion of cultural elements from a primeval area of human development. He suggested that if there were Oceanian influences in South America, they dated from an extremely remote antiquity and that impetus to high civilization of America was Indian.

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Universalium. 2010.

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