Niza, Marcos de

Niza, Marcos de

Spanish explorer
byname  Fray Marcos  
born c. 1495, Nice, Savoy [now in France]
died March 25, 1558, Mexico

      Franciscan friar who claimed to have sighted the legendarySeven Golden Cities of Cibola (Cíbola, Seven Cities of)” in what is now western New Mexico.

      Niza went to the Americas in 1531 and served in Peru, Guatemala, and Mexico. At Culiacán, Mex., he freed Indian slaves from regions to the north. Under orders from the viceroy Antonio de Mendoza, Niza and a Moor, Estéban (Estevanico), led an expedition across the desert to the cities of Cibola (1539). Estéban was killed; Niza claimed to have come within sight of large towns rich in precious stones, gold, and silver. The exaggerated promise of wealth stimulated interest in the further exploration of northern New Spain, but the following year soldiers with the Francisco de Coronado expedition found theseven citiesto be small and poor Indian pueblos. Niza became provincial of his order for Mexico in 1541.

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Universalium. 2010.

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