Nicholas I, Saint

Nicholas I, Saint

byname  Nicholas the Great  
born c. 800, Rome
died Nov. 13, 867, Rome; feast day November 13

      pope from 858 to 867, master theorist of papal power, considered to have been the most forceful of the early medieval pontiffs, whose pontificate was the most important of the Carolingian period and prepared the way for the 11th-century reform popes.

      He had served in the Curia for almost 15 years before his election in April 858 as Pope Benedict III's successor. His reign was marked by three historically significant contests.

      Nicholas supported the patriarch St. Ignatius of Constantinople, who was uncanonically replaced by the scholar Photius (Photian Schism) after the Byzantine emperor Michael III had unjustly humiliated and deposed him. To investigate this state of affairs, Nicholas dispatched legates to Constantinople, but when they confirmed judgment against Ignatius in 861, he disavowed them. After receiving word from the exiled Ignatius in 862, Nicholas, having studied the case, favoured Ignatius and excommunicated Photius (863), who counterdeposed the Pope in 867. Nicholas did not live to learn of this act or of its extreme culmination: the Photian Schism, a split between the Eastern and Western churches.

      Nicholas' second great struggle was with King Lothar of Lorraine (Lothar (II)), who wanted to divorce his wife, Theutberga, on false charges of incest. Theutberga appealed to Nicholas, while a synod at Aachen in April 862 gave Lothar permission to remarry. At a synod at Metz, in 863, Lothar obtained confirmation of the Aachen decision, probably through bribery, from Nicholas' legates, archbishops Günther of Cologne and Theutgaud of Trier (Trèves). When these legates arrived in Rome with the libellous decree of Metz, Nicholas, treating Lothar as his ecclesiastical subject, quashed the whole proceedings against Theutberga and, creating a precedent, deposed the archbishops.

      The third great ecclesiastical affair of Nicholas' pontificate involved the deposition in 862 of Bishop Rothad II of Soissons by Archbishop Hincmar of Reims, a classic example of the right of bishops to appeal to Rome against their metropolitans. Nicholas, a strict upholder of Rome's primacy of jurisdiction, ordered an examination that led to Rothad's restoration in 865 by using, probably for the first time, the False Decretals, a 9th-century collection of revolutionary but partially forged documents that, in part, maintained bishops' independence against the encroachments of archbishops who were attempting to extend their power.

      For Nicholas, the Roman see, having power by divine commission, was the head and the epitome of the Catholic church. Consistently urging the supremacy of Rome, he fully endorsed the papal inheritance of sacerdotal and royal functions as conferred by Christ on St. Peter and the delegation of temporal power to the emperor for the protection of the church. He reacted against Carolingian domination in ecclesiastical matters and claimed the right to legislate for the whole of Christendom. Thus, his teaching contained the rudiments of papal theocracy and helped to found Roman supremacy over the Western sees by declaring that all must observe what the pope decides.

Additional Reading
Francis Dvornik, The Photian Schism: History and Legend (1948, reprinted 1990).

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Universalium. 2010.

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