Neuromuscular junction — Electron micrograph showing a cross section through the neuromuscular junction. T is the axon terminal, M is the muscle fiber. The arrow shows junctional folds … Wikipedia
neuromuscular junction — n the junction of an efferent nerve fiber and the muscle fiber plasma membrane called also myoneural junction * * * the meeting point of a nerve fibre and the muscle fibre that it supplies. Between the enlarged end of the nerve fibre (motor end… … Medical dictionary
Neuromuscular junction disease — Classification and external resources MeSH D020511 Neuromuscular junction disease is a medical condition where the normal conduction through the neuromuscular junction fails to function correctly. Autoimmune … Wikipedia
neuromuscular junction — noun the junction between a nerve fiber and the muscle it supplies • Syn: ↑myoneural junction • Hypernyms: ↑synapse … Useful english dictionary
neuromuscular junction — myoneural junction the meeting point of a nerve fibre and the muscle fibre that it supplies. Between the enlarged end of the nerve fibre (motor end plate) and the membrane of the muscle is a gap across which a neurotransmitter must diffuse from… … The new mediacal dictionary
neuromuscular junction — A chemical synapse between a motoneuron and a muscle fibre. Also known as a motor end plate … Dictionary of molecular biology
neuromuscular junction — noun The synapse of the axon terminal of a motoneuron with muscle … Wiktionary
Neuromuscular disease — Classification and external resources MeSH D009468 Neuromuscular disease is a very broad term that encompasses many diseases and ailments that either directly, via intrinsic muscle pathology, or indirectly, via nerve pathology, impair the … Wikipedia
disease of the neuromuscular junction — noun a disease characterized by impairment of neuromuscular junctions • Hypernyms: ↑disease • Hyponyms: ↑myasthenia gravis, ↑myasthenia, ↑Lambert Eaton syndrome, ↑Eaton Lambert syndrome, ↑myasthenic syndrome, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
Neuromuscular-blocking drug — Global view of a neuromuscular junction: 1. Axon 2. Motor end plate 3. Muscle fiber 4. Myofibril … Wikipedia