Neo-Volcánica, Cordillera
- Neo-Volcánica, Cordillera
Spanish“Neo-Volcanic Axis”, also called Eje Volcánico
relatively young range of active and dormant volcanoes traversing central Mexico from Cape Corrientes on the west coast,
southeast to Jalapa and Veracruz on the east coast.
The cordillera forms the southern boundary of Mexico'
s Mesa Central and includes the volcanic peaks of Pico de Orizaba (
406 feet [
610 metres]),
Popocatépetl (
930 feet [
465 metres]),
Iztaccíhuatl (
159 feet [
230 metres]),
and Colima (
451 feet [
100 metres]).
Many of its valleys and basins are used for commercial agriculture,
and the temperate climate and rich volcanic soil of several larger basins have sustained large populations.
The Cordillera Neo-
Volcánica is mined extensively for silver and for lead,
and tin.
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