Naumann, Friedrich

Naumann, Friedrich

German social and political theorist
born March 25, 1860, Störmthal, Prussia [Germany]
died August 24, 1919, Travemünde, Germany

      political and social theorist, publicist, and reformer who became one of the most influential partisans of German liberalism combined with imperialism.

      As a young pastor, Naumann had joined the Christian Social movement of the Prussian court chaplain Adolf Stoecker (Stoecker, Adolf), but he was eventually repelled by Stoecker's social and theological conservatism. Through 1893 he shaped the journal Die Hilfe (“Assistance”) into a forum for his ideas. Later, under the influence of the young sociologist Max Weber (Weber, Max), Naumann founded the National Social Union (1896), an organization that combined a program of democratic and social reform with a call to national strength. After 1903, however, having failed to establish a political party based on his association, he joined the Freisinnige Vereinigung (Liberal Union)—later (1910) merged with the Progressive People's Partyand in 1907 was elected to the Reichstag (parliament).

      During World War I Naumann was opposed to extremist demands for German annexation of occupied territories, but his book Mitteleuropa (1915) provided the vision of a postwar German cultural and economic imperium in central Europe. In 1919 he cofounded the Democratic Party, for which he served as party leader until his death. He was a man of considerable intelligence and great personal integrity whose ideas exerted a wide-ranging influence over a whole generation of German liberal intellectuals.

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