

Japanese painting
(Japanese:Southern Painting”),also called  Bunjin-ga 

      (“Literati Painting”), style of painting practiced by numerous Japanese painters of the 18th and 19th centuries. Some of the most original and creative painters of the middle and late Edo period belonged to the Nan-ga school. The style is based on developments of 17th- and 18th-century individualism in the Ch'ing-dynasty painting of China. Nan-ga artists transformed as they borrowed, however, exaggerating elements of Chinese literati painting, not only in composition but in brushwork. A decided sense of humour is often evident. Ike Taiga (172376), Yosa Buson (171683), and Uragami Gyokudō (17451820) are among the most famous Nan-ga artists.

      The style was introduced in the early 18th century at a time when Japanese intellectuals were taking an eager interest in the outside world and new Chinese paintings were entering Japan through the port of Nagasaki. The Chieh-tzu yüan hua chuan (“Painting Manual of the Mustard Seed Garden”), published in China in 1679 and in Japan in 1748, contributed to the formation of the principles of this school.

      Nan-ga became trapped by mannerism in the 19th century, when it became exclusively a subjective vehicle of expression, too often lacking form or a sense of solid construction. A self-conscious sense of the intellectual superiority of their adopted Chinese culture often had the effect of making literati painters excessively subtle.

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Universalium. 2010.

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