Nagy, Imre

Nagy, Imre

premier of Hungary
born June 7, 1896, Kaposvár, Hung., Austria-Hungary
died June 16, 1958, Budapest, Hung.

      Hungarian statesman, independent Communist, and premier of the 1956 revolutionary government whose attempt to establish Hungary's independence from the Soviet Union (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) cost him his life.

      Born to a peasant family, Nagy was apprenticed as a locksmith before being drafted in World War I. Captured by the Russians, he joined the Communists and fought in the Red Army. In 1929 he went to live in Moscow, where, as a member of the Institute for Agrarian Sciences, he remained until late 1944. He returned again to Hungary under Soviet occupation and helped establish the postwar government, holding several ministerial posts between 1944 and 1948. Because of his steadfast support of the peasants' welfare, Nagy was excluded from the Communist government in 1949 but was readmitted after making a public recantation. He became premier (195355) and then again was forced out because of his independent attitude, whereupon he took up a teaching post.

      During the October 1956 revolution, the anti-Soviet elements turned to Nagy for leadership, and he became once more premier of Hungary. On the last day of the unsuccessful uprising, he appealed to the West for help against the invading Soviet troops. Treacherously deported to Romania after leaving his sanctuary in the Yugoslav embassy, he was returned to Hungary, tried, and put to death. Nagy was posthumously rehabilitated by Hungary's Supreme Court in 1989.

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Universalium. 2010.

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