

Croatian-Hungarian history [1868]
(Serbo-Croatian:Agreement”), English in full  Croatian-hungarian Agreement Of  

      1868, pact that governed Croatia's political status as a territory of Hungary until the end of World War I. When the Ausgleich, or Compromise, of 1867 created the Austro-Hungarian Dual Monarchy, Croatia, which was part of the Habsburg empire, was merged with Slavonia and placed under Hungarian jurisdiction. Although many Croats who sought full autonomy for the South Slavs of the empire objected to that arrangement, a Croatian Sabor (assembly), elected in a questionable manner, confirmed the subordination of Croatia to Hungary by accepting the Nagodba in September 1868.

      While explicitly stating that Croatia was a component part of the kingdom of Hungary, the Nagodba recognized the region as a distinct political unit with its own territory. It permitted the Croats to elect their own legislative Sabor and have their own executive authorities. In addition, Serbo-Croatian became the official language of the land.

      Despite the large degree of internal autonomy granted by the Nagodba, it designated that the governor (ban) of Croatia was to be nominated by the Hungarian prime minister and appointed by the king; it also restricted Croatia's representation in Hungary's parliament as well as its access to the central government institutions of the Dual Monarchy. As a result, Croatia's control over some matters vital to its interestse.g., taxation and budgetary matters and foreign and military policieswas minimal.

      Consequently, opposition to the Nagodba remained strong, and in 1871 the dissidents elected a Sabor that declared the compromise invalid and stimulated a revolt. The compromise, however, was reaffirmed after the suppression of the insurrection and remained in effect until the end of World War I, when Croatia seceded from Hungary and joined the new Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes (later called Yugoslavia).

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