Nagel, Ernest

Nagel, Ernest

▪ American philosopher
born Nov. 16, 1901, Nové Město, Bohemia, Austria-Hungary
died Sept. 20, 1985, New York City

      American philosopher noted for his work on the implications of science.

      Nagel came to the United States in 1911 and received American citizenship in 1919. He taught philosophy at Columbia University from 1931 to 1970.

      Formerly an exponent of logical realism, Nagel later abandoned a realistic ontology for an empirical and theoretical philosophy of science. His book An Introduction to Logic and Scientific Method (1934; with Morris R. Cohen) richly illustrates the function of logical principles in scientific method in the natural and social sciences and in law and history. In Logic Without Metaphysics (1957) he defended a naturalistic interpretation of logic, denying the ontological necessity of logico-mathematical principles and arguing that they must be understood according to their function in specific inquiries. The Structure of Science (1961) analyzes the nature of explanation, the logic of scientific inquiry, and the logical structure of the organization of scientific knowledge. His other books include Sovereign Reason (1954), Gödel's Proof (1958; with James R. Newman), and Teleology Revisited and Other Essays (1979).

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  • NAGEL, ERNEST — (1901–1985), U.S. philosopher. Nagel, who was born in Nove Mesto (Moravia), emigrated to America at an early age. He received a B.S. from the City College of New York in 1923 and an M.A. (1925) and a Ph.D. (1930) from Columbia University. He was… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Nagel, Ernest — (1901–1985) Philosopher of science. Born in Novemesto, in the former Czechoslovakia, Nagel emigrated to the USA in 1911, and was a teacher at Columbia for more than forty years. His best remembered work was one of the last major empiricist and… …   Philosophy dictionary

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  • Ernest Nagel — (* 16. November 1901 in Nové Mesto nad Váhom, Österreich Ungarn, heute Slowakei); † 20. September 1985 in New York City) war ein amerikanischer Philosoph und Wissenschaftstheoretiker. Nagel kam 1911 in die USA und wurde 1919 US Staatsbürger. Er… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Ernest Nagel — (November 16, 1901 mdash; September 22, 1985) was among the most important philosophers of science of his time. Nagel was born in Prague (now capital of the Czech Republic; then part of the Austro Hungarian Empire) and immigrated to the United… …   Wikipedia

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  • Nagel — Kralle; Fingernagel; Stahlstift; Stift; Bolzen; Drahtstift * * * Na|gel [ na:gl̩], der; s, Nägel [ nɛ:gl̩]: 1. Stift aus Metall mit Spitze und meist flachem, abgerundetem Kopf, der (zum Befestigen, Aufhängen von etwas) in etwas hineingetrieben… …   Universal-Lexikon

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