

Japanese music
      (Japanese:long song”), basic lyric musical accompaniment of Japanese Kabuki and classical dances (buyō). The genre is found in the Kabuki plays by the mid-17th century, although the term itself is common in much earlier poetic forms.

      The standard complete instrumentation of a nagauta piece consists of singers; players of the three-stringed, plucked samisen; and performers on the three drums and flute found in the hayashi ensemble of the earlier theatre. In nagauta the flute player may also use a second bamboo flute (take-bue) derived from folk traditions. The drums play both the stereotyped patterns found in the style and more direct imitations of the rhythmic phrases of the samisen.

      The forms of nagauta also reflect interesting combinations of drama structure with Kabuki innovations. In the 19th century nagauta began to be composed and performed in concerts as well as for dance accompaniments. Its repertoire of over 100 standard pieces (usually some 20 minutes in length) and new compositions, together with its several guilds of professional and amateur performers, attest to its continued viability in the 20th century.

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Universalium. 2010.

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