Nabuco de Araújo, Joaquim Aurelio Barreto

Nabuco de Araújo, Joaquim Aurelio Barreto

Brazilian statesman
born August 19, 1849, Recife, Brazil
died January 17, 1910, Washington, D.C., U.S.
 statesman and diplomat, leader of the abolition movement (abolitionism) in Brazil, and man of letters.

      Nabuco was a member of an old aristocratic family in northeastern Brazil. Both in the national Chamber of Deputies (from 1878) and in the Brazilian Anti-Slavery Society, which he founded, he worked tirelessly for the emancipation of Brazil's slaves, which was proclaimed on May 13, 1888. In the ensuing economic disruption, the emperor Pedro II was overthrown (1889) and a republic was established.

      Nabuco, a confirmed monarchist, retired from public life until 1900, when he accepted the republic and entered its service. From 1905, as ambassador to the United States, he distinguished himself as an advocate of Pan-Americanism.

      Among Nabuco's writings are Camões e Os Lusíadas (1872) and O Abolicionismo (1883), both in Portuguese, and Pensées détachées et souvenirs (1906), in French.

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